Clash for Windows

Clash For Windows is a program that uses a clash-link.

Download the program

Click here to download the program.


Unpacking the Archive

  1. Open the downloaded archive.

  2. Make sure you extract it to the desktop.

  3. Click the "Extract" button.

  1. Open the extracted folder

  2. Run the program (double-click on Clash For Windows.exe)

First program launch

  1. If the prompt appears, click on the "Allow Access" button.

  1. Next to the "Service Mode" option, click on the "Manage" button.

  1. In the opened window, click on "Install". After that, the program will restart.

Subscription setup

  1. Open your email client.

Copy the Clash subscription from the email. It is usually the second one in the list.

  1. Go to the "Profiles" tab.

  2. Paste the copied Clash link into the text field. Press CTRL+V to paste, or click on the icon slightly to the left of the Download button to paste the link.

  3. After pasting the link, click on the "Download" button.

  1. Right-click on the added profile.

  2. In the dropdown menu, click on "Settings".

  1. In the "Name" section, clear the content and enter the word "ZGC".

  2. In the "Update Interval (Hour)" section, enter the number "12".

  3. After that, click on "OK" to save the changes.

  1. Go to the "Proxies" section.

  2. Select a server from the list. Once the server is selected, it will have a green bar on the left, as shown in the screenshot.

Choose a server according to your preference. We recommend selecting the one that is closest to your location. If you are in China, the closest servers would be: Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Korea. Note: A server named after the subscription expiration date doesn't work.

Turn on/turn off VPN

  1. Go to the "General" tab.

Turn on VPN

To enable the VPN, switch the following options to the ON position.

  • TUN Mode

  • Mixin

  • System proxy

Turn off VPN To disable the VPN, switch the following options to the OFF position.

  • TUN Mode

  • Mixin

  • System proxy

If you want the program to automatically start when Windows starts, enable the "Start with Windows" option.


How to update subscription?

Make sure you are disconnected from the VPN. Go to the "Profiles" section and click on the "Update All" button on the right side. Wait for 5-30 seconds. The server list will be updated.

Last updated